Bioretec strives to actively perceive and identify risk factors, which could have an adverse effect on the company's ability to achieve its long or short term objectives, and to start necessary measures to control the perceived risk factors. The company's risk management focuses on, inter alia, the quality and the risk management of production and managing financial risks.
Bioretec's risk management principles are recorded in the risk management policy. The risk management policy includes, among other things, definition and categorisation for a risk, the risk management principles, roles and responsibilities, risk surveying and the reporting principles.
Bioretec's Board of Directors is responsible for the risk management and the development of risk reporting framework in the company.
In addition, the Board of Directors of Bioretec has drawn up and approved the Code of Conduct for the company, with which the employees of the company comply in their actions. The Code of Conduct includes, among other things, the following subjects: legal compliance, anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies, anti-money laundering and international sanctions, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, data protection, equal opportunities and human rights.