The Shareholders’ Nomination Board of Bioretec Ltd is a body consisting of the Company's largest shareholders or members appointed by the largest shareholders, responsible for annually preparing and presenting to the Annual General Meeting and, if necessary, to an Extraordinary General Meeting, proposals on the composition and remuneration of the Board of Directors.
The Shareholders’ Nomination Board consists of three (3) members. The Company's three (3) largest shareholders are entitled to appoint one member each. The three (3) shareholders with the largest number of votes for all shares of the Company on the last business day of August preceding the Annual General Meeting have the right to nominate the members representing the shareholders. The Chair of the Board of Directors shall serve as an expert in the Nomination Board and shall not have a voting right.
The members of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board, the shareholders appointing them and any changes to the composition of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board are published by a company release. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board's proposals are published through a company release and included in the notice of the Annual General Meeting. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board presents and justifies its proposal and reports on its activities to the next Annual General Meeting.
The duties of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board are, in line with the principles of diversity for the Board:
In September 2024, the following persons were appointed to Bioretec's Shareholders' Nomination Board:
Tomi Numminen, the Chairman of the Board of Bioretec, acts as an expert to the Nomination Board.
When preparing the composition of the Board of Directors of Bioretec, the Shareholders’ Nomination Board shall take into consideration the following aspects: Company’s Articles of Association, the Corporate Governance Code 2020 issued by the Finnish Securities Market Association, applicable legislation regarding the Board Diversity and the requirements set by the Company’s operations and the aspects of diversity.
Board diversity is considered based on a variety of attributes, including gender, the age structure of the Board, the members’ educational, cultural, and professional background, their skills and experience relevant to the position, and other personal characteristics, for example. When preparing the composition, the way the members’ skills, education, and experience complement each other also needs to be considered.
The diversity principles aim to ensure that the Board’s combined competence and experience and the diversity of its composition are sufficiently aligned with Bioretec’s strategic and operational needs and long-term value generation. Regarding gender structure, both genders must be sufficiently represented on the Board.